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How AI can shape our digital future


Artificial intelligence is a huge game-changer in technology. A number of people have the ability to get involved with this because it is going to change the digital future.


Better health care is something that is found in environments where artificial intelligence is made a priority (check Cody Moxam predicts AI influence). It becomes easier to get data sooner when there are AI methods in place that can retrieve information for medical professionals. When there is a database of answers that are easily provided by artificial intelligence it cuts down on the time that research has to be done for some medical procedures. This is good for patients. It also puts less of a strain on medical professionals that are already being overworked.


With artificial intelligence the virtual field trip takes a whole new meaning. Children have the ability to learn more and process more information because they are interacting with computers that have this artificial intelligence. The children have the ability to ask questions and get answers quickly. Teachers have the chance to provide more information because it can be accessed at a much quicker rate. This makes the learning process a lot less restrictive. It also opens the doors to developing road maps for individualized learning experiences.

Every child is not going to learn the same way. It is not even practical to assume that all children are going to learn on the same level. With artificial intelligence it becomes easier to put students in a place where they can move at their own pace. If a teacher is trying to teach across the board, she is giving out information to a group of students that may not all be receiving this information and processing it in the same way. When there is more artificial intelligence software in place the students can learn at their own pace.

Home Environment

Homes that have artificial intelligence have a wealth of possibilities for greater security and more convenience for the homeowner. Security systems can be implemented that record and relay information to homeowners if there is any possible burglar on the premises. This is going to be faster than a motion detector or an alarm that goes off if someone has actually broken into the home. These artificial intelligence systems can even work on face recognition that can cut down on the number of people that are even allowed to enter the home in the future.

Work Environment

The wave of artificial intelligence that is coming into the spotlight right now is just an early example of how it will work with our cell phones, appliances and our vehicles in the future. With artificial intelligence highways can become less congested and workplace productivity can improve tremendously.