Home Geeks Blog: Top 4 Hoverboards in 2019

Blog: Top 4 Hoverboards in 2019


#1 Halo Rover

The Halo Rover is an advanced hoverboard that is considered to be the safest and most reliable hoverboard on the market. For years the company has been producing popular boards with excellent features and is still holding their own in the hoverboard world with the new Halo Rover. With ride-assist technology, the Halo Rover helps the rider keep the board upright and steady when learning how to ride, make turns and spin. This makes stepping on and off the board very easy for starters, which will help newcomers avoid any unwanted accidents. Although the Halo Rover is best used on pavement and flat surfaces, it can however make it through on dirt roads and over minor bumps in the road.

#2 Rolab R2

The Rolab R2 swegway comes with 8 inch wheels (compared to 6 inch wheels on their R1 model) and offers rides in almost all terrains (even rough surfaces). The R2 has great LED lights, a powerful 6hr ride battery and a built-in Bluetooth speaker for music on the move. The Rolab R2 is UK’s Number #1 Swegway Hoverboard for a good reasons. YOu can visit their website and read more reviews to get a better idea of the product. If you’re from the UK, this one should be your go-to.

#3 Segway

The Segway hoverboard offers riders many features including customizable LED lights, anti-theft alarms, adjustable height settings, speed up to 10mph and a 14 mile range. With its knee-control design and stable seating design, the Segway is very easy to use when just learning how to ride a hoverboard. Due to its many features and safety options, Segway has become an increasingly popular hoverboard on the market for anyone looking for a top of the line product that will keep them safe, stable and happy during their ride.


The EPIKGO hoverboard is a very popular brand on the market due to the boards dual motor and all-terrain capabilities. Although riding on the pavement is fun and easier to learn on, driving on dirt roads and on trails is what really makes people excited. This particular board passed over 150 different tests related to safety regulations, making this board an extremely safe option for anyone just starting out. What really draws buyers in to this product is the 400W Dual motors in the board. This means you can climb slopes as steep as 18 degrees and ride for over 10 miles on a single run! Dual motors are what everyone who owns a hoverboard needs to experience in able to get the full effect of the fun a hoverboard can bring.