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InstaGrow: The Key to Growing Your Instagram


In today’s day and age, social media means nearly everything. Almost everyone in the world uses some type of social media whether it be Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, or others. But can growing your Instagram account be the key to fame and fortune? What exactly are the benefits to reaching your maximum potential on Instagram?

It’s the 21st Century. Millions of people daily are engaging on social media looking for new people, new products, and new businesses to check out. If you are using social media to your advantage, great. If you aren’t, what exactly ARE you doing? If you run a successful business, and aren’t on Instagram, you’re missing out on sales. If you’re a popular internet star, and you don’t have an Instagram, you’re missing out on fans. An estimated numbers of 700 million users use Instagram monthly, which is outrageous. Imagine if some of those, or even one-third of those were to purchase your products, become new fans, or just stop by to say hello? There are many different ways to going about becoming what they call “successful” on Instagram. But is there actually a correct way of doing it? Yes and no. If you are only on Instagram for a few minutes a day and you think that the “follow for follow” things work, you are wrong. Nowadays, people are extremely desperate for follows and likes. These tags are seen by the people who are looking for the same thing you are. Being so follow thirsty and like thirsty can only help so much, if any, before you end up putting your account and your image at risk. A majority of the time, follow for follow works very little and can only increase your followers by maybe a few hundred. But do they actually engage in your profile or even end up liking your photos and even commenting on them? Chances are, that’s a whopping no. Most of these users and considered “bots” or “ghost followers” and they are programmed to engage with the specific tags that millions of people use. In a way, this could be considered as “purchasing followers” without actually spending a dime. Buying followers (for instance from likes no instagram) is just as bad as using these tags, if not worse. You will notice that if you are to engage in either of these “services”, you will have a large number of followers that have exotic or unusual names. If that’s the case, those are bots and they are no good for your Instagram account. If you have thousands of followers but only get a few likes on each photo, it’s very obvious that your profile is not in good standing and it could even drive people or customers away from your account. Your Instagram account could even be the main source of income for you, but it can’t happen if you’re barely getting engagement on your posts.

Two words: Target audience. Targeting or tailoring your audience to your profile is the key to a successful and healthy account. Use tags to your advantage. Say you’re a musician, using tags of artists that you may sound similar to will increase your plays and sales by a lot. People who like an artist will always end up searching for someone who sounds very similar to that artist. Obviously the love the style, so if you share the same style, you’re in luck. Use Instagram’s ad system and use the tags. Your account will start to grow and you’ll notice that everything will gradually fall into place.

More tips to grow your IG below:


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